Gaga Intensive summer course 2017 in tel aviv

Ohad Naharin along with dancers from Batsheva Dance Company offer an intensive Summer workshop for professional dancers and advanced dance students age 18+. Daily classes include Gaga/dancers, repertory of Ohad Naharin, and Gaga methodics.

Where: Batsheva Dance Company studios, Tel Aviv, Israel
When: July 16 – 28, 2017

We will continue to enroll qualified dancers as long as space remains in the workshop. Tuition is due by June 1

How to apply:
The application procedures include submitting an online application form and 150 ILS application fee as well as e-mailing your CV, headshot photograph, and a link to a video of your dancing. For the online application form and full instructions, visit Gaga’s website:
Costs for participants: 2960 ILS tuition + 150 ILS non-refundable application fee
*We offer a 15% discount on the tuition for dancers who have previously participated in a Gaga Intensive.

Contact details:
If you have further questions, contact
or visit official site